WILL Diversity Reports

Annual Diversity Report - September 2014


Illinois Public Media (IPM), which includes WILL-TV, shall complete an annual report of the organization’s hiring goals, guidelines, employment statistics and actions undertaken to satisfy the IPM Diversity Eligibility Policy and post the report on the WILL website or make the report available for public inspection upon request.

The IPM Diversity Eligibility Policy was revised and reviewed by the IPM Community Advisory Committee (CAC) at their meeting on September 11, 2013, and no further revisions were made in FY14.  The Annual Diversity Report for September 2014 will be reviewed by the CAC at their quarterly meeting on October 8, 2014.

IPM Diversity Practices and Initiatives to meet Diversity Goals

  1. Recruit and retain a diverse workforce and provide equal opportunity in employment.

One search to fill a full-time vacancy for Senior Host/Producer took place during IPM’s FCC-EEO reporting period of 8/1/2013 through 7/31/2014, following the equal employment guidelines of the FCC.  Diverse recruitment sources were utilized in an effort to attract qualified candidates from underrepresented groups. The search guidelines of the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Access (ODEA) were followed to maintain a fair and open hiring process.  These guidelines are available online at http://diversity.illinois.edu.  This search did not result in a hire and another search for this position will be launched in September 2014. 

A full-time vacancy for Office Support Associate was filled in accordance with the seniority rules of the State University Civil Service System. Details of this hire are included in the IPM Annual FCC-EEO report (Attachment A.)

  1. Diversity training for management and staff.

IPM supervisors and managers are encouraged to attend workshops in diversity awareness offered by the University of Illinois during the academic year.  Additional diversity awareness training is provided to search committee members at the beginning of a search process for each hire to ensure the fair, unbiased evaluation of candidates and to improve recruiting efforts for qualified, diverse candidates.

  1. Diversity in Illinois Public Media internship and work-study student opportunities.

One minority work-study student was hired from the University of Illinois to work on the WILL-TV Production crew this year.  She was given the opportunity to learn and improve technical skills in camera operation, floor direction, teleprompter operation, and call-in phone coverage for live studio productions.

Additionally, two or three work-study students from the University of Illinois are hired annually and trained to handle customer service and provide staff support for various departments at the stations.  Through this work, students learn a great deal about different aspects of the broadcasting operation, including radio and television programming, development/fundraising activities, marketing, production, and an overview of the technical areas covered by broadcast engineering and operations. 

Three interns worked in the WILL radio News and Public Affairs department during this reporting period and received course credit from the University of Illinois.  These news reporter and public affairs program producer interns received mentoring and training from the IPM news and public affairs staff and News Director. 

Of the seven interns and work-study students in FY2013, five were female and five were from racial or ethnic minority groups.

4.     Illinois Public Media diversity statistics for FY2014.






Illinois Public Media (IPM) Staff





48 permanent employees





38 temporary hourly employees (including students)










IPM Community Advisory Committee (CAC)





23 members










University of Illinois Board of Trustees (IPM Governing Board)





13 members





The diversity statistics for IPM staff and for CAC members have not appreciably improved since FY2013.  Several positions will be open in FY2015 to replace permanent IPM employees who have resigned or retired.  IPM will continue to make efforts to recruit and interview qualified diverse candidates for these hires.  In nominating and selecting members of the Community Advisory Committee, IPM management strives to identify individuals who will represent all the culturally and racially diverse communities that we serve, including rural areas, small and mid-size towns, and the University of Illinois.

Reviewed and approved: _________________________________ Date: ___________________

Moss Bresnahan, Chief Executive Officer, Illinois Public Media


ATTACHMENT A – IPM Annual FCC-EEO Report for 8/1/13 – 7/31/14

When read in conjunction with the Annual Diversity Report on the preceding pages, Attachment A provides further details of Illinois Public Media’s hiring goals, guidelines, and programs undertaken to meet the goals of the IPM Diversity Eligibility Policy.


Illinois Public Media


ANNUAL EEO PUBLIC FILE REPORT for August 1, 2013 – July 31, 2014

The purpose of this EEO Public File Report is to comply with Section 73.2080©(6) of the

FCC’s 2002 EEO Rule. This Report has been prepared on behalf of the Illinois Public Media Station Employment Unit that is comprised of the following stations: WILL-AM, WILL-FM and WILL-TV in Urbana, IL. This report is required to be placed in the public inspection files of this station, and posted on our website.  The information in this Report covers the time period beginning August 1, 2013 to and including July 31, 2014 (the “Applicable Period”).

The FCC’s 2002 EEO Rule requires that this Report contain the following information:

1. A list of all full-time vacancies filled by the Station Employment Unit during the Applicable period.

2. For each vacancy, the recruitment source(s) utilized to fill the vacancy (including, if applicable, organizations entitled to notification pursuant to Section 73.2080 ©(1)(ii) of the new EEO Rule, which should be separately identified), identified by name, address, contact person and telephone number.

3. The recruitment source that referred the hiree for each full-time vacancy during the Applicable Period.

4. Data reflecting the total number of persons interviewed for full-time vacancies during the Applicable Period and the total number of interviewees referred by each recruitment source utilized in connection with such vacancies.

5. A list and brief description of the supplemental (non-vacancy specific) recruitment initiatives undertaken pursuant to Section 73.2080©(2) of the FCC rules.


Sections 1 and 2. One full-time vacancy was filled during this reporting period.  Contact information for recruitment sources follows.

Job #1 Title:         Office Support Associate

Date Filled:         June 22, 2014

Recruitment Source Used:  Staff Human Resources, University of Illinois

Number of persons interviewed from this source:            1

Number of persons hired from this referral source:         1

Contact information for this recruitment source:

Staff Human Resources, University of Illinois

Alicia Lowery, Deputy Director

Personnel Services Building

52 East Gregory Drive

Champaign, IL  61820

(217) 333-3101

Note:  Employee’s position in another University department was eliminated.  Due to seniority rules of the State University Civil Service System, the employee was eligible for this position and was the only person interviewed.


Section 3. No organizations asked to be notified of vacancies.

Section 4. Supplemental (Non-Vacancy Specific) Outreach/Recruitment Activities Undertaken by WILL/Illinois Public Media during reporting period 8/1/13-7/31/14.

Participation in events relating to career opportunities sponsored by educational institutions.

September 2013 – May 2014  Illinois Public Media continues to help students and teachers at Stratton Leadership & MicroSociety Magnet School in Champaign to create, maintain and staff their 21st Century Digital Media Center.   The elementary school is located in an underserved low-income neighborhood.  The Center allows students to run their own video production studio, anchor newscasts, write and videotape stories, edit video and publish content on their website, strattonsociety.org. Stratton’s 21st Century Digital Media Center is part of their microsociety and is one of 23 businesses, services, centers, organizations or non-profit agencies run by students during the school day.  WILL staff created the curriculum for the Center, aligning it with state standards for technology competencies for 3rd through 5th grade students.   WILL received a grant from Unit 4 Schools to support the Stratton Digital Media Center for the 2012-2015 school years with a goal of teaching the students and teachers to run the Media Center on their own. 

April-May 2014     WILL partnered with the Champaign Unit 4 School District again this year to provide an educational opportunity for all fourth grade classrooms in the District.  Over 700 students were given a tour of the radio studios, participated in mock interviews in the television studio, and learned how Illinois Public Media (and PBS Learning Media) use primary source documents in content creation.  Through this program, students were given an early introduction to possible career opportunities in media and broadcasting.

Participation in other activities designed by the station to develop employment opportunities in broadcasting.

On an on-going basis, the WILL Stations work with teachers at University Laboratory High School in Urbana, Illinois to develop an oral history curriculum to train students in the basics of audio production and journalism.  Each year, the students produce a documentary that is broadcast on WILL Radio and WILL online. Their radio documentary on The Changing Military aired November 3, 2013. Several students have chosen to major in journalism at the college level as a result of this experience. http://will.illinois.edu/community 

Participation in job fairs by personnel who have responsibility in the making of hiring decisions.

On October 14, 2013, Illinois Public Media hosted the Fall Open House for prospective students of the College of Media at the University of Illinois. Several key IPM staff members, including the WILL Station Manager, the News Director and the Marketing Director, were on hand to meet prospective college students and their families.  This event gave us an opportunity to give high school students a demonstration of broadcasting studio operations and discuss potential careers in broadcasting.

The WILL Station Manager, Bob Culkeen, and the Human Resources Officer, Dee Breeding, participated in two career fairs on behalf of Illinois Public Media.  On March 18, 2014, IPM manned a recruitment booth at the University of Illinois All-Campus Career Fair, which was open to U of I students and graduates from all degree levels and fields of study.  Bob and Dee met with over 50 attendees, many of whom were minority students, collecting resumes and distributing information about potential careers in broadcasting and existing internship and trainee opportunities at IPM.  On April 10, 2014, IPM participated in the Job Fair at Parkland College, which was open to students and interested community members. Again, Mr. Culkeen and Ms. Breeding met with participants, collected resumes, and distributed information about potential careers in broadcasting.

Training opportunities for station personnel.

Station WILL-TV hires minority trainees, with little or no experience in television production, and teaches them the rudiments of camera operation and studio production.  The young people involved in this program are provided with skills that can qualify them for higher level, full-time positions in broadcasting.  Five minority trainees were hired during this reporting period.  One Hispanic female has already advanced to a senior production crew position.

Work-study students from the University of Illinois are hired annually and trained to handle customer service and provide staff support for various departments at the stations.  Through this work, students learn a great deal about different aspects of the broadcasting operation, including radio and television programming, development/fundraising activities, marketing, production, and an overview of the technical areas covered by broadcast engineering and operations.  Students are encouraged to participate in station activities and to learn about careers through direct interaction with various broadcast professionals.  Four minority students were hired and trained in this position during this reporting period.

Internship opportunities designed to develop skills needed for broadcast employment. 

Three interns worked in the WILL radio News and Public Affairs department during this reporting period and received course credit from the University of Illinois.  These news reporter and public affairs program producer interns received mentoring and training from the IPM news and public affairs staff and News Director.  All three learned to pitch, write and produce news stories and features which aired on WILL radio and online at will.illinois.edu. Intern Ryan Weber’s story on mobility issues for physically disabled community members was picked up online by Reddit and other social media sites, and also aired nationally on NPR.  
