Classics of the Phonograph

The art of conducting

Portrait of a man from 1889

Johannes Brahms, 1889 By C. Brasch, Public Domain, Wikimedia Commons

On this week's Classics of the Phonograph, Saturday at 11 am on WILL-FM, we will hear the work of three famous conductors from earlier decades of the 20th century.

Arthur Nikisch, renowned for his ability to mesmerize an orchestra, made records by the acoustic process. Felix Weingartner, a scholarly conductor, who scorned romantic excesses, will be heard in the music of Brahms. Richard Strauss, celebrated as composer as well as conductor, will play music from a silent film version of his most popular opera, “Der Rosenkavalier.”


Weber | Oberon Overture, London Symphony Orchestra, Arthur Nikisch

Brahms | Symphony No. 4, excerpts, London Symphony orchestra, Felix Weingartner

R. Strauss | “Der Rosenkavalier,” Film Music, London Tivoli Theatre Orchestra, Strauss conducting.