Evening Concert

The New York Philharmonic This Week

Boulez conducts Berg and Mahler 3

Tonight at 7:00 on the “Evening Concert” on WILL-FM 90.9 it’s “The New York Philharmonic This Week”. Pierre Boulez conducts two historic performances taken from the orchestra’s archives. Jessye Norman sings Berg’s concert aria “Der Wein” and Yvonne Minton is the soloist in Mahler’s “3rd Symphony”.

Monday, February 19, 7:00 pm: The New York Philharmonic (NYP 24-22)

Der Wein and Mahler’s Third Symphony

CONDUCTOR: Pierre Boulez

Alban BERG: Der Wein (The Wine) (concert aria); Jessye Norman, soprano

Gustav MAHLER: Symphony No. 3; Yvonne Minton, soprano; Camerata Singers and the combined Boys' Choirs from Little Church Around the Corner, Trinity Church and the Brooklyn Boys' Choir.