Evening Concert

Beethoven’s “2nd Symphony” on tonight’s “Evening Concert”


Tonight at 7:00 on the “Evening Concert” on FM 90.9 it’s the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra. You’ll hear Beethoven’s “2nd Symphony in D Major” with guest conductor Stefan Asbury.  Also on the program Ligeti’s “Violin Concerto” featuring Augustin Hadelich and Kodaly’s “Dances of Galanta”. That’s Beethoven’s “2nd Symphony” on the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra tonight at 7:00 on the Evening Concert on WILL, FM 90.9, online at will.illinois.edu .  

Thursday November 15: Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra (MSO 18-07)

Conductor: Stefan Asbury

Soloist: Augustin Hadelich, violin

Kodaly: Dances of Galánta

[Encore: Niccolo Paganini: Caprice No. 21 in A major for solo violin Augustin Hadelich, violin]

Ligeti: Concerto for Violin and Orchestra

Beethoven: Symphony No. 2 in D major, Opus 36

[MSO fill: Ludwig van Beethoven Der Grosse Fuge from Op. 130 arr. By Felix Weingartner]