Evening Concert

Mahler’s monumental “Third Symphony” on “The New York Philharmonic This Week”


Tonight at 7:00 on the Evening Concert on WILL-FM 90.9 it’s “The New York Philharmonic This Week”. Music Director Alan Gilbert conducts Mahler’s largest symphony, the 3rd, as the Philharmonic is joined by mezzo-soprano Petra Lang, the women of the Westminster Symphony Choir and the American Boychoir for the performance.

Thursday October 20: The New York Philharmonic This Week” (NYP 17-04)

The program differs from the listing in Patterns Magazine.

The New York Philharmonic Performs Mahler’s 3rd Symphony

Conductor: Alan Gilbert; Petra Lang, mezzo-soprano; Women of the Westminster Symphony Choir (Joe Miller, Director); The American Boychoir (Fernando Malvar-Ruiz, Director)

MAHLER: Symphony No. 3