217 Today: 3 Secretary of State candidates campaign to replace retiring Democrat Jesse White

The three candidates for Illinois Secretary of State (from left): Democrat Alexi Giannoulias, Republican Dan Brady and Libertarian Jon Stewart. Courtesy of campaigns
Thursday, October 27, 2022
Today's headlines:
- Two of those candidates for Illinois Secretary of State are split on how involved the office should be in elections.
- Faith leaders from across the St. Louis region are asking to be included in the community response to the fatal shootings this week at a south Saint Louis high school.
- Public health officials say another Champaign County resident has died from COVID-19. He was a man in his 60s. This marks the 308 death from COVID-19 in the county.
In today's deep dive, we’ll take a closer look at the Illinois Secretary of State race, where three candidates are vying to replace retiring Democrat Jesse White.
217 Today is produced by Sydney Wood. Reporting today contributed by Mawa Iqbal, Brian Munoz, Emily Hays and Eric Stock.