217 Today: Ani DiFranco brings 30+ years of folk and feminism to Krannert’s Ellnora Guitar Festival

Anthony Mulcahy
September 8, 2023
Today's headlines:
- Illinois’s two U.S. Senators are outraged over the hold on confirming and promoting members of the military and they blame one fellow Senator.
- More than 6 million individuals are living with Alzheimer's in the United States and one organization is working to bring those numbers down.
- A royal member of a tribe in Sierra Leone is in Champaign-Urbana this week to visit family and raise support for people in her ancestral homeland.
In today's deep dive, we’ll listen to a conversation with Grammy-winner Ani DiFranco about her career.
217 Today is produced by Stephanie Mosqueda. Reporting contributed by Linda Kenyon, Mae Antar, Owen Henderson and Kimberlie Kranich.