217 Today: Balloons Over Vermilion soars through central Illinois this weekend

Barx and Wagz are the Carlton family's golden retriever-themed hot air balloons. Photo courtesy of Dean Carlton
Thursday, July 11, 2024
Today's headlines:
- A University of Illinois student is being charged with a felony for her involvement in an on-campus demonstration for Palestine in April.
- A political scientist at the University of Illinois says polls show a majority of Democratic voters are worried about President Biden’s age. However, many are still ready to support his reelection.
- Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker says the state will invest thirty million dollars into creating more clean energy jobs.
- Health insurance companies in Illinois have to start phasing out the practice of “step therapy.”
In today's deep dive, we'll learn more about a hot air balloon event coming to central Illinois this weekend.
217 Today is produced by Stephanie Mosqueda. Reporting today contributed by Anulika Ochuba, Elissa Eaton, Juanpablo Ramirez-Franco, Alex Degman and Kimberly Schofield.