217 Today: Champaign Clippers embrace retro baseball by ditching modern gear

A player up for bat as the pitcher is getting ready to throw ball. Champaign Clippers Vintage Base Ball Club Facebook page
Thursday, August 10, 2023
Today's headlines:
- A new state law allowing certain non-citizens to become police officers is being criticized by republicans and the public.
- Ameren is planning a grid transformation project for much of Central Illinois.
- The 2023 Illinois State Fair has begun, and to ring in the festivities, officials unveiled an 800 pound cow made out of butter.
- ComEd is spending 231 million dollars over the next three years to bolster renewable energy infrastructure across northern Illinois.
In today's deep dive, we’ll learn more about why the Champaign Clippers will take to the field to play a game of vintage baseball.
Reporting today contributed by Mae Antar, Tim Shelley, Mawa Iqbal, Alex Degman and Brian Mackey.