217 Today: Chicago slowly starts evicting migrants from shelters

Migrants are led to the tents for their temporary stay at the landing zone at 800 S Des Plaines in South Loop, Sunday, March 17, 2024. Anthony Vazquez / Chicago Sun-Times
Wednesday, March 20, 2024
Today's headlines:
- Democratic President Joe Biden and Republican Donald Trump are big winners in Illinois’ presidential primaries. But each showed signs of possible weakness within their parties.
- Democrat Laurie Brauer has emerged as the party’s pick for Champaign County coroner.
- The ballots are still being counted from Tuesday’s primary to determine the Republican candidate in Illinois' 13th congressional district race.
- Across the country, primary voters protested President Biden’s actions during the war in Gaza by voting “non-committed.”
In today's deep dive, we’ll learn about how migrants are starting to get evicted from a handful of migrant shelters run by the city of Chicago.
217 Today is produced by Stephanie Mosqueda. Reporting contributed by Dave McKinney, Emily Hays, Mae Antar, David Pierce and Adriana Cardona Maguigad.