217 Today: CU Folk & Roots Festival returns with a focus on expanding the genre

Participants gather outside the Common Ground Coop to play during a previous installment of the CU Folks & Roots Festival. CU Folk & Roots Festival
October 6, 2023
Today's headlines:
- There’s a new biomedical research hub in Chicago.
- Illinois state senator Mike Simmons is trying to expand on a recently passed state law prohibiting public libraries from banning books.
- A new report seeks to get a better handle on the racial equity efforts happening at nonprofits around the state.
- Illinois football and NFL Hall of Fame linebacker Dick Butkus passed away at 80 years old Thursday.
In today's deep dive, we’ll hear a conversation with Scott Dosset from the C-U Folk and Roots Festival’s steering committee about what to expect from next week’s line-up.
217 Today is produced by Stephanie Mosqueda. Reporting contributed by Mawa Iqbal, Tim Shelley, Colin Hislope and Owen Henderson.