217 Today: Danville pastor encourages people to get vaccinated after losing his wife to COVID-19

Screenshot of Danville pastor Ken McCray in a new PSA to urge people in Illinois to get vaccinated. Screenshot/All In Illinois
Tuesday, Jan. 18, 2022
Today's headlines:
The COVID-19 death rate is 22 times higher for the unvaccinated across Illinois, according to a WBEZ analysis.
A group of moderate GOP candidates running as a slate hope to make 2022 a Republican wave year in Illinois.
Catalytic converters keep disappearing from Champaign-Urbana cars, but because many scrap metal businesses won't buy them, local police departments aren't sure exactly why they are being stolen.
In today's deep dive, we’ll hear from a Danville pastor who is encouraging others to get the COVID vaccine after the virus took the life of his wife last summer.
217 Today is produced by Farrah Anderson. Reporting today contributed by Kristen Schorsch, Hannah Meisel, Emily Hays and Tinisha Spain.