217 Today: Farm-based activities can support mental wellness. Why aren’t there more care farms in the U.S.?

Jesse Zilberstein and her family have taken annual trips to the Selah Carefarm for the past seven years since the death of her youngest son, Gidi. Oren Zilberstein / Submitted
October 11, 2023
Today's headlines:
- Illinois political leaders are reiterating their support for Israel in the aftermath of the Hamas attacks last weekend that killed more than a thousand people.
- A new report shows Illinois’ population has remained steady over the last decade while gaining more higher-paid and foreign-born residents.
- The company that has proposed building a carbon capture pipeline across portions of central and western Illinois has withdrawn its application before the Illinois Commerce Commission.
- The scene-stealing principal from the TV show Abbott Elementary is visiting Decatur on Saturday.
In today's deep dive, we’ll learn more about the benefits of care farms and how a new national network hopes to expand them in the U.S.
217 Today is produced by Stephanie Mosqueda. Reporting today contributed by Alex Degman, Mawa Iqbal, Rich Egger, Emily Hays and Elizabeth Gabriel.