The 217 Today Podcast

217 Today: Friday April 23, 2021

Garden Hills Elementary School in Champaign.

Garden Hills Elementary School in Champaign. Lee V. Gaines/Illinois Newsroom

Friday April 23, 2021

Today's headlines:

  • Illinoisans who want to own guns would have to be fingerprinted before getting or renewing their conceale carry license under a measure advancing in the Illinois House.

  • The Illinois House Thursday night voted unanimously to pass a measure ending the use of isolation time out rooms in schools and banning restraining children while on their stomachs.

  • For the second straight year, Muslims in the Champaign-Urbana community are observing Ramadan in the middle of a pandemic.

  • Public health officials in Champaign-Urbana reported 21 new cases of COVID-19 on Thursday. The number of active cases in the county fell by more than a hundred to 320.

In today's deep dive, we look at a new program that aims to close the racial achievement gap in Champaign Unit 4 Schools.

Reporting today contributed by Hannah Meisel, Jose Zepeda, and Jim Meadows.
