217 Today: Friday, August 20, 2021

Anna Rhee was sexually abused by another attendee of CFC. She went to the head pastor for help, but he encouraged her to stay quiet about what happened. Manuel Martinez/WBEZ
Friday, August 20, 2021
Today's headlines:
With a difficult governor's race next year, Illinois GOP leaders face an uphill battle to unite the party behind one message.
Illinois Congressman Rodney Davis says he believes Americans would support maintaining a footprint of a few thousand soldiers in Afghanistan indefinitely to help keep the peace.
As Gibson City cleans up from last week's flash flood, a special fund has been set up to help people pay for the damage.
As students move in to the University of Illinois Urbana campus, officials reported 17 new COVID-19 cases from testing conducted Tuesday, the highest number since late April.
In today's deep dive, the second story in a three-part series looking at issues of sexual abuse at Covenant Fellowship Church in Urbana.
Reporting today contributed by Hannah Meisel, Eric Stock, Jim Meadows, Esther Yoon-Ji Kang and Susie An.