217 Today: Galena poet laureate will commission the community to write

Galena Public Library
Thursday, June 13, 2024
Today's headlines:
- Cunningham Township says this fiscal year has been a record year for rental assistance.
- After a two-year experiment allowing the shot clock, the Illinois High School Association says it will adopt it for all boys and girls games starting in the 2026-27 school year.
- Three Ogle County Sheriff's Deputies were shot Wednesday as they confronted a man in his barricaded home northeast of Dixon, Illinois.
- Two more Midwestern states are seeing bird flu infections in dairy cattle.
- Gas prices are once again on the decline across the U.S.
In today's deep dive, we’ll learn more about the city of Galena’s first poet laureate.
217 Today is produced by Stephanie Mosqueda. Reporting today contributed by Mae Antar, Charlie Schlenker, Rachel Cramer, Reginald Hardwick and Yvonne Boose.