217 Today: Illinois is looking to overhaul how kids learn to read

Chicago educator Tinaya York is hopeful a new literacy blueprint for Illinois can make a difference in classrooms across the state. Courtesy of the University of Chicago Network for College Success
October 25, 2023
Today's headlines:
- A measure that would allow Illinois legislative employees to unionize is moving forward at the statehouse.
- More pregnant people in Illinois are dying and most deaths may be preventable, according to a new report from the Illinois Department of Public Health.
- Chicago Public Schools is transitioning to an elected school board. Lawmakers in Springfield are pushing a measure during this week’s legislative session to get board members paid.
- A play described as a combination of children’s writer Judy Blume and the movie Rambo opens at the Station Theatre in Urbana tomorrow night.
In today's deep dive, we’ll listen to a conversation with Tinaya York about her experience writing the first draft of a new Illinois literacy plan.
217 Today is produced by Stephanie Mosqueda. Reporting contributed by Alex Degman, Kristen Schorsch, Mawa Iqbal, Owen Henderson and Mary Dixon.