217 Today: Illinois Legislative Inspector General says his role is to serve as a watchdog, not prosecutor

Legislative Inspector General Michael McCuskey was appointed by the legislature on Feb. 17. Beth Hundsdorfer/Capitol News Illinois
Monday, August 22, 2022
Today's headlines:
- The Peoria City Council may ask state lawmakers next year to permit the usage of red-light cameras in Peoria County.
- Farmers in Illinois now have a place to turn when they have extra fruits and vegetables they can’t sell.
- An annual survey shows U.S. commercial beekeepers have lost 39 percent of their honeybee colonies this year.
In today's deep dive, we'll hear from Illinois legislative inspector general Mike McCuskey six months into his new position.
217 Today is produced by Sydney Wood. Reporting today contributed by Tim Shelley, Dana Cronin, Xcaret Nunez and Eric Stock.