217 Today: Increasing gun violence raises issue of community-wide trauma among residents

Yvonne Miller of Champaign points to a portrait of one of her grandchildren that she displays in her home. It’s one of two children of her son, Christopher Kelly, who died by gun violence. Christopher had two children: four-year-old Ca’Nylah Kelly and 1-year-old Christopher Kelly Jr., who was born after Christopher’s death. Farrah Anderson/Illinois Newsroom
Monday, May 9, 2022
Today's headlines:
The Democratic Party of Illinois is applying to hold one of the nation’s first presidential primary elections in 2024.
OSF HealthCare allergist Dr. Neha Dunn says May is generally the worst time for pollen allergy sufferers.
A century-year-old tractor just became the most expensive tractor ever sold.
It’s been a year since the Cunningham Children’s Home in Urbana started its Caminos program to help unaccompanied children who have migrated from Central America.
In today's deep dive, we’ll take a closer look at the problem of gun violence in Champaign-Urbana and how it affects how safe residents feel.
217 Today is produced by Farrah Anderson. Reporting today contributed by Caroline Kubzansky, Tim Shelley, Dana Cronin, Eunice Alpasan and Sydney Wood.