217 Today: Misconceptions about older adults’ sexuality can cause ageist beliefs. Here’s what one study found

Society often assumes that aging means losing interest in sex. A recent study sheds light on the misconceptions surrounding older adults' sexual lives.
Monday, April 1, 2024
Today's headlines:
- The Fighting Illini men’s basketball team lost to UConn in Saturday’s NCAA Elite 8 matchup.
- It is not uncommon for Black women to look to Facebook to find good hairstylists at affordable prices. But people should be aware of scammers who create fake accounts.
- LGBTQ advocates are celebrating a new gender designation on Illinois state IDs and driver’s licenses.
- A huge percentage of Illinoisans surveyed in a new poll want the state to suspend lucrative state pensions for corrupt lawmakers a lot earlier.
In today's deep dive, we’ll learn about a recent study that explores how misconceptions about sex and aging can complicate the acceptance of older adults’ sex lives.
217 Today is produced by Stephanie Mosqueda. Reporting today contributed by Madison Holcomb, Anulika Ochuba, Mawa Iqbal, Dave McKinney and Adelyn Mui.