217 Today: Monday April 19, 2021

Brennon Hightower's son playing the "My First Matching Game: A Memory Game About African-Americans" at their home in Danville, Ill. Courtesy of Brennon Hightower
Monday April 19, 2021
Today's headlines:
Illinois surpassed another COVID-19 vaccine milestone over the weekend as more than a quarter of the state's total population is now fully vaccinated.
Champaign high school students took to the streets over the weekend to protest for racial justice.
Black and Indigenous mothers in the U.S. are two to three times more likely than white mothers to die within a year after giving birth to a child.
More than 35 percent of those eligle to receive a COVID-19 vaccine in Champaign County are now fully vaccinated.
In today's deep dive, we'll meet a parent in Danville who has made it her mission to teach the Black history she says is missing in schools. This is Lee's final story for WILL's Illinois Newsroom, as she has taken a reporting position with WFYI in Indianapolis. We thank her for all her outstanding reporting!
Reporting today contributed by Hannah Meisel, Farrah Anderson, Christine Herman, and Lee Gaines.