217 Today: Monday, Jan. 10, 2022

The main studio of WRM Radio (soon to be renamed WILL) on the University of Illinois campus, circa 1927. A piano was a common feature in an era when most music on the radio was live. The spring microphones of the time were designed to prevent undesired vibrations or feedback. Draperies lined the walls to improve acoustics. Illinois Public Media
Monday, Jan. 10, 2022
Today's headlines:
Public Health officials reported nearly 1600 new COVID-19 cases in Champaign County over the weekend. The number of active cases has topped 7000 for the first time.
Cannabis sales in Illinois doubled in 2021 – the second year since cannabis became recreationally legal.
New data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture shows a 20 percent decline in grocery, specialty food and convenience stores in rural areas over a six-year period.
Students in the Danville school district will be back in-person Tuesday after three days of remote learning last week. The district went remote after nearly 60 teachers, bus drivers and other district staff tested positive for COVID-19.
In today's deep dive, a look back at the early days of WILL-AM, which turns 100 years old this year.
217 Today is produced by Farrah Anderson. Reporting today contributed by Dana Cronin, Jonathan Ahl, Tinisha Spain and Jim Meadows.