217 Today: Monday November 9, 2020

Farmer Zack Smith, who calls himself "The Stock Cropper," pets one of the pigs in his mobile pen Amy Mayer/Harvest Public Media
Today's headlines:
The outgoing and incoming representatives in Illinois’ 15th congressional district have differing opinions about the news of Joe Biden’s election as president.
Students at the University of Illinois say they are breathing a sigh of relief that the 2020 presidential election seems to have reached an end.
The number of confirmed and probable COVID-19 cases continued to mount over the weekend in Illinois, with more than 22,000 cases reported over the weekend. The state’s seven-day case positivity rate has continued to grow, and is now at 10.6%.
Champaign County reported three deaths linked to COVID-19 over the weekend, for a total of 32 deaths due to the coronavirus since the pandemic began.
In today's deep dive, as the harvest season comes to a close, there’s one midwest farmer looking at harnessing the most modern technology for his livestock.
217 Today is produced by Olivia Butts and hosted by Brian Moline. Reporting today contributed by Jim Meadows, Farrah Anderson, and Amy Mayer.