217 Today: Monday October 19, 2020

Nick Rudd was a musician in Champaign-Urbana for more than three decades. He died earlier this year. Now his wife, Gina Manola, has established three memorial funds in his honor to benefit music in the area. Provided by Gina Manola
Monday October 19, 2020
Today's headlines:
Starting Monday, voters in Champaign County can cast their ballots in person and early, at twelve different locations.
Ameren and five other energy companies recently announced plans to build out a "vast network" of public vehicle charging stations across the Midwest.
Thousands of Women's Marches took place across the country over the weekend. Illinois Newsroom's Dana Cronin reports from one in Champaign.
Monticello High School will move to fully remote learning this week, after three students tested positive for COVID-19.
In today's deeper dive, we’ll learn about memorial funds honoring a local musician who died earlier this year. Nick Rudd was a stalwart on the Champaign-Urbana music scene for decades.
217 Today is produced by Olivia Butts and hosted by Brian Moline. Reporting today was contributed by Jim Meadows, Ryan Denham, and Dana Cronin.