217 Today: Many Illinois sheriffs oppose new assault weapon ban

McDonough County Sheriff Nick Petitgout called the new law “a clear violation of the Second Amendment to the US Constitution.” Rich Egger/TriStates Public Radio
Friday, January 13, 2023
Today's headlines:
- In their recent lame-duck session, Illinois lawmakers approved new spending including nearly $300 million to help asylum seekers.
- Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker criticized several suburban and downstate sheriffs for their vows not to enforce the assault weapons ban he signed this week.
- There is a significant increase in food waste during the holiday season in the United States.
- The Fighting Illini men’s basketball team will try to build on a two-game winning streak when the first-place Michigan State team comes to town on Friday.
In today's deep dive, we’ll learn how the assault weapons ban signed into Illinois law this week has prompted many sheriffs in the state to issue statements saying they won’t enforce it.
217 Today is produced by Sydney Wood. Reporting today contributed by Mawa Iqbal, Dave McKinney, Luis Velazquez, Rich Egger and Jane Carlson.