217 Today: NIU ‘Heart of Hearing’ team helps Ukrainian refugees with hearing loss

The Heart of Hearing team provides hearing tests and fits refugees with hearing aids they need. Northern Illinois University
June 28, 2023
Today's headlines:
- The federal government is awarding Illinois more than $1 billion to start expanding broadband access to homes and businesses that don't have it.
- The Chicago Bears’ CEO said he is exploring options outside Arlington Heights for a new stadium complex.
- Illinois Governor JB Pritzker signed a bill creating a state-based marketplace for health insurance.
- All of Decatur’s Dennis Lab students will learn together next year at a different school, after engineers found structural problems with their original, century-old buildings.
In today's deep dive, we’ll learn about a Northern Illinois University group helping Ukrainian refugees with hearing problems.
217 Today is produced by Stephanie Mosqueda. Reporting contributed by Katie O’Connell, Alex Degman, Mawa Iqbal, Emily Hays and Peter Medlin.