217 Today: Palestinian UIUC student reflects on the loss of her family in Gaza

People protested in support of Palestine at the Alma Mater statue at the University of Illinois in Urbana on Nov. 1. The young woman in this story was among the speakers at the event. Nour Longi / Illinois Student Newsroom
December 21, 2023
Today's headlines:
- Many hourly workers across Illinois will see a bump in their paychecks in January.
- The death of a boy living in a Chicago migrant shelter is drawing renewed scrutiny to shelter conditions.
- The Transportation Security Administration says you might think twice before wrapping gifts ahead of time if you're taking a flight this holiday season.
- The Fighting Illini women’s basketball team lost to the Arkansas Razorbacks yesterday in the West Palm Beach Classic.
In today's deep dive, we’ll hear a conversation with a young woman in Champaign as she reflects on the loss of her family in Gaza amid ongoing Israeli airstrikes.
217 Today is produced by Stephanie Mosqueda. Reporting contributed by Mawa Iqbal, Tim Shelley, Tessa Weinberg, Colin Hislope and Nour Longi.