217 Today: Pandemic learning places a greater strain on students with disabilities

An empty classroom at DeKalb High school. Spencer Tritt/WNIJ
Monday, October 10, 2022
Today's headlines:
- University of Illinois researchers published a new database last week on police use of force across the state.
- The University of Illinois and Champaign Police Departments have made changes regarding who responds to calls in Campustown and the greater Champaign area.
- Defense again led the way for the Illinois football team as they edged Iowa 9-6 Saturday night at Memorial Stadium in Champaign.
- Some wheelchair athletes with University of Illinois ties did well at Sunday's Chicago Marathon.
In today's deep dive, we’ll look at how the COVID-19 pandemic has changed learning for students, especially those with disabilities who need accommodations.
217 Today is produced by Sydney Wood. Reporting today contributed by Emily Hays, Emily Richie, Jim Meadows and Peter Medlin.