217 Today: Parents seek breast milk of vaccinated mothers to protect children against COVID-19

At milk banks, donated milk is combined and pasteurized. The hope is that as more people get vaccinated, donor milk will contain higher levels of COVID antibodies that could offer at least some protection against the virus. Courtesy of The Milk Bank
Thursday, Feb. 24, 2022
Today's headlines:
Some Champaign residents are calling on two of their city council members to resign after tensions at last week's council meeting.
Another round of wintry weather is moving through Central Illinois. But, meteorologist Andrew Pritchard is expecting less snow than the last 2 systems.
The University of Illinois is threatening suspensions after graduate student workers allegedly kicked an administrative employee who was trying to get through their protest.
In today's deep dive, we’ll learn more about some parents who are seeking out donated breastmilk from vaccinated mothers to help protect their young children from COVID-19.
217 Today is produced by Farrah Anderson. Reporting today contributed by Sydney Wood, Reginald Hardwick, Emily Hays and Darian Benson.