217 Today: Russian invasion of Ukraine is just one reason for rising gas prices, Illinois expert says

A man checks gas prices at a gas station in Buffalo Grove, Ill., Saturday, March 26, 2022. A University of Illinois professor says the Russian invasion of Ukraine is just one factor in high prices at the pump. Nam Y. Huh/AP (file)
Thursday, March 31, 2022
Today's headlines:
Illinois Democrats are floating Chicago as a potential host city for their party’s 2024 national convention.
The Illinois State Board of Education plans to award $4 million in grants to increase the number of bilingual educators in the state.
Unit 4 reached a tentative agreement Tuesday night on a four-year contract with the Champaign Federation of Teachers to avert a strike.
The Boneyard Arts Festival is back for its 20th anniversary in Champaign County this weekend.
In today's deep dive, we'll hear from a University of Illinois economics professor why the Russian invasion of Ukraine is just one reason for rising gas prices.
217 Today is produced by Farrah Anderson. Reporting today contributed by Dave McKinney, Eunice Alpasan, Emily Hays, Hannah Lonergan and Brendyn Jones.