217 Today: Small broadband providers get rural customers connected in places telecom giants left behind

A contractor installs fiber-optic cable next to a field in Ford County for Ideatek, a local broadband company based in the town of Buhler. Ideatek has used fiber lines like this one to bring high-speed internet to several towns with populations of just a few hundred people in southwest Kansas. Courtesy of Ideatek
Friday, May 20, 2022
Today's headlines:
A new study confirms a method for reducing nutrient pollution from chemical fertilizer that is impacting recreational and drinking water across the Midwest.
The Illinois State Board of Education won’t be making any changes to federally mandated high stakes testing for now.
On Wednesday night, about 20 local cyclists embarked on a silent bike ride to honor those who have been killed or injured while biking on public roads.
Champaign Police and city officials Friday morning will honor officers who lost their lives in the line of duty.
In today's deep dive, we’ll travel to western Kansas to see how some smaller companies are bringing high speed internet to remote areas.
217 Today is produced by Farrah Anderson. Reporting today contributed by Dana Cronin, Susie An, Sydney Wood and David Condos.