217 Today: Some hospitals have stopped using race to inform patient care

As 59-year-old Crystal Moore’s kidney disease progressed, her life changed. Her symptoms include fatigue and depression, which leave her unable to do her favorite things: travel and chase after her grandkids. Farah Yousry/Side Effects Public Media
Wednesday, May 18, 2022
Today's headlines:
More than half the children who prompted contempt orders against the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services’ director are still waiting for proper placement.
The Urbana Board of Education wants to explore converting its two Spanish dual language programs into one, fully dual-language school, like International Prep Academy in Champaign.
Both the Democratic and Republican candidates in the 13th Congressional District will take part in debates in the coming weeks.
In today's deep dive, we’ll learn why some hospitals are moving away from factoring a patient’s race into measurements used to inform patient care.
217 Today is produced by Farrah Anderson. Reporting today contributed by Alex Degman, Emily Hays, Reginald Hardwick and Farah Yousry.