217 Today: Thursday, August 12, 2021

Democrat David Palmer of Champaign has announced he's running for Congress, even before the new congressional district maps are released. David Palmer for Congress.
Thursday, August 12, 2021
Today's headlines:
The vast majority of Illinois state legislators say they are vaccinated against COVID-19, but several Republicans would not respond to WBEZ’s survey of all 177 lawmakers asking for their vaccination status.
The Illinois State Board of Education Wednesday dealt major consequences to a private Christian school in Elmhurst that’s not planning to comply with Governor J.B. Pritzker’s mask mandate.
State health officials reported more than 3,900 new cases of COVID-19 Wednesday. That’s the highest number of cases in one day in Illinois since April 9.
In today's deep dive, even before new congressional district maps are drawn, Central Illinois Democrat David Palmer says he’s running for Congress.
Reporting today contributed by Tony Arnold and Hannah Meisel.