217 Today: Thursday, Oct. 21, 2021

Project Swaddle paramedic Darren Forman sets five-week-old Wilder on a scale to monitor his growth. Carter Barrett/Side Effects Public Media
Thursday, Oct. 21, 2021
Today's headlines:
After passing a major criminal justice reform law earlier this year, Democrats in Springfield are pushing for more progressive ideas, like allowing prisoners to vote and expanding parole. But Republicans are pushing back.
From now through next Friday, Champaign County residents who have failed to pay fines related to traffic tickets, DUI’s and various criminal offenses can pay them off without late-payment fees as a part of the Champaign Circuit Court’s annual Amnesty Event.
In three Urbana elementary schools, most students take COVID-19 tests once a week. We take a closer look.
In today's deep dive, we'll learn how one Indiana community is redefining emergency medical services by trying to prevent emergencies altogether.
217 Today is produced by Farrah Anderson. Reporting today contributed by Hannah Meisel, Olivia Vamos, Emily Hays and Carter Barrett.