217 Today: Tuesday April 20, 2021

Twenty-five-year old Myranda Tetzlaff enjoys taking her two dogs on long walks, but she still has anxiety about being around other people on trails. Courtesy of Myranda Tetzlaff
Tuesday April 20, 2021
Today's headlines:
Lawmakers in Springfield are weighing whether to require schools to provide menstruation products in girls -- and boys -- restrooms for grades 4-12.
The Illinois House last week approved a measure to decriminalize the transmission of HIV.
Tuesday will feel a bit more like mid-February than mid-April, as we see a mix of rain and snow in the forecast.
Champaign-Urbana health officials reported 23 new COVID-19 cases on Monday. The number of active cases fell to 444, the lowest number since Tuesday of last week.
In today's deep dive, we learn why some people who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 are feeling anxiety as states begin lifting COVID restrictions.