217 Today: Tuesday October 27, 2020

15th District Congressional candidate Mary Miller (R-Oakland), speaks at a rally held by the Restore Illinois PAC in Champaign, Oct. 24. Jim Meadows/Illinois Newsroom
Tuesday October 27, 2020
Today's headlines:
Well over half of Illinois’ population will be living under coronavirus mitigation measures as of Wednesday. Those state mitigations —which include banning indoor bar and restaurant service —will be extended to two more regions of the state as Illinois sees an aggressive new wave of COVID-19.
Cases of COVID-19 continue to spike in the Rockford area. The Winnebago County Health Department yesterday reported 343 new cases of coronavirus from over the weekend.
As COVID-19 cases surge across the country, domestic violence is also on the rise. Domestic violence cases have increased worldwide by about 20% since countries imposed lockdow nmeasures, according to the United Nations. The Illinois domestic violence helpline is 1-877-863-6338.
Champaign County reported 42 new COVID-19 cases yesterday. That brings the county’s total case count to more than 59-hundred. Currently, there are more than 300 active cases and seven people are hospitalized.
In today's deeper dive, there have been three debates between the candidates in Illinois’ 13th Congressional District, but none in the adjacent 15th District. Illinois Newsroom’s Jim Meadows tells us why.
217 Today is produced by Olivia Butts. Reporting today contributed by Hannah Meisel, Chase Cavanaugh, Lecia Bushak, and Jim Meadows.