217 Today: Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Shelia Muhammad, center, with her daughter Nicole Galloway and son Hakim Muhammad. Provided by Sheila Muhammad
Wednesday, August 11, 2021
Today's headlines:
A Northwestern University expert is working with Illinois teachers to make them clear on core aspects of media literacy. That's ahead of a new law that takes effect next year.
Students and teachers in Illinois are heading back to the classroom beginning this week. A top teachers union has signaled it might be open to a COVID vaccine mandate for its members.
A special Champaign County Board committee has until November to come up with a plan to resolve the county’s jail issues. County board members voted unanimously Tuesday night to create the committee.
Fifty-seven percent of the county’s vaccine eligible population and just over 50% of the total population is vaccinated against COVID-19, which is about a one percentage point increase over the past two weeks. The state has an overall vaccination rate of 52%.
In today's deep dive, in the third and final part of our series on how HIV has affected Black women, we hear from a woman who’s lived with the virus for more than 30 years.
Reporting today contributed by Maureen McKinney, Hannah Meisel, Jim Meadows and Darian Benson.