217 Today: Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Squash being distributed at a summer food program in Amboy, Illinois. Peter Medlin/WNIJ
Wednesday, July 14, 2021
Today's headlines:
As the Delta variant of the coronavirus spikes COVID-19 caseloads and hospitalizations in Missouri, Illinois regions near the Missouri border have seen huge jumps in test positivity, too.
State Treasurer Mike Frerichs says state lawmakers and Governor Pritzker did a good job in passing a balanced budget this year and need to continue doing so every year.
After a year’s delay due to the COVID-19 pandemic, work has begun on renovating a downtown Urbana hotel that’s been closed since 2016. Plans are to rename the former Urbana Landmark Hotel as the Hotel Royer.
Rising COVID-19 rates in other states have prompted Chicago to restart a travel order.
In today's deep dive, it’s summer, and schools are searching for silver linings from their COVID-19 school year. We look at one pandemic idea that has lasted: summer food programs.
Reporting today contributed by Hannah Meisel, Jim Meadows and Peter Medlin.