217 Today: Wednesday November 11, 2020

Dusty Spurgeon co-owns and operates Spurgeon Veggies with her mother-in-law, Eloise. Dana Cronin/Illinois Newsroom
Wednesday November 11, 2020
Today’s headlines:
COVID-19 patients are filling hospital beds in Illinois at levels close to the state’s peak in coronavirus infections this past spring with no signs of slowing.
Two regions in central Illinois are seeing COVID hospitalization rates more than three times the amount they experienced in the spring.
The COVID-19 pandemic has reduced the number of Veterans Day activities this year. But some will still be held, including a program in downtown Urbana this afternoon.
Five more people in Champaign County have died from COVID-19 since Monday (11/9).The Champaign-Urbana Public Health District is now reporting a total of 37 deaths from the virus.
The University of Illinois’ Urbana campus is urging all faculty and staff to increase testing from once to twice per week due to a surge in cases among campus employees.
In today’s deep dive, with men dominating the farming world, farm equipment is designed to be used by male farmers. Illinois Newsroom’s Dana Cronin will tell us what’s being done to help female farmers.
217 Today is produced by Olivia Butts and hosted by Brian Moline. Reporting today contributed by Hannah Meisel, Sean Crawford, Jim Meadows, and Dana Cronin.