217 Today: Wednesday September 30, 2020

Storefront office for the Rantoul Press in downtown Rantoul. Jim Meadows/Illinois Newsroom
217 Today for Wednesday September 30, 2020
Today's headlines:
Illinois lawmakers gleaned new information from a Commonwealth Edison executive who testified before them. That’s in the wake of the utility’s own admission that it took part in a bribery scheme to influence House Speaker Michael Madigan.
Governor J.B. Pritzker announced Tuesday that one of his staff members tested positive for COVID-19. Governor Pritzker and all other close contacts with the staff member will isolate for the next 14 days.
The saliva-based COVID-19 test developed on the University of Illinois’ Urbana campus has never operated under FDA authorization -- despite prior claims that it did.
Champaign Unit 4 school officials outlined a plan for a mix of in-person and distance learning for elementary students in the second quarter at Tuesday night’s school board meeting. The plan would begin October 26.
In today's deeper dive, The Rantoul Press is closing after more than 140 years of publication. Illinois Newsroom's Jim Meadows reports on the paper's history and the factors that led to its closing.
Reporting today from Tony Arnold, Lee Gaines, Christine Herman, Lecia Bushak, and Jim Meadows. Olivia Butts is our producer.