Crop Insurance & USDA’s Agricultural Outlook Forum
There are just seven more trading days left in the crop insurance price setting month of February. As of Friday, February 16 the December corn futures contract trading at the CME Group in Chicago has averaged $3.95 for corn. This compares to last year’s February average of $3.96. The November soybean contract is currently averaging $10.09. Last year it was $10.19. The September Hard Red Spring wheat trading in Minneapolis is currently averaging $6.32. This is the biggest departure from 2017. It is about 70 cents a bushel above last year’s price of $5.65.
from USDA’s website | The Agricultural Outlook Forum (AOF), now in its 94th year, is the USDA’s largest annual meeting. This year’s Forum is titled The Roots of Prosperity. Along with the plenary panel discussion, attendees will choose from 30 sessions with more than 80 speakers and be able to visit a host of agriculture-related exhibits.
AOF is a platform facilitating conversation among those in the agricultural community, including producers, processors, policy-makers, government officials, and both foreign and domestic non-government organizations, on key agricultural issues and topics.
use this youtube portal to watch the 2018 Agricultural Outlook Live
USDA’s Risk Management Agency (RMA) will lead a panel discussion titled “Crop Insurance in the U.S. and Abroad” in the Agricultural Policies Here and Abroad track that will be held Friday, February 23, 2018, at 10 a.m. EST.
-Thomas Zacharias, President, National Crop Insurance Services
- Federal Crop Insurance Following the 2014 Farm Bill - Dr. Kent Lanclos, RMA
- Crop Insurance: A Producer Perspective - Chalmers Carr III, President & CEO, Titan Farms
- The International Market for Agricultural Insurance - Dr. Lysa Porth, Assistant Professor / Chair,
Ag Risk Management & Insurance, University of Minnesota
To obtain more information and register, visit the 2018 Agricultural Outlook Forum website.
View the full AOF Agenda.