Henry Purcell

Henry Purcell by John Closterman, probably 1695 Public domain, Wikimedia Commons
Henry Purcell is regarded as one of England's greatest composers. In the 1680-90, at the height of Britain's Restoration drama, Purcell is credited with contributing music for over 50 plays. Purcell's contribution, to start the performance and supply music between acts, also included vocal numbers. This music provides an array of dance tunes of the period, displaying Purcell's ability to fill traditional forms with original material. On this week's Classics of the Phonograph, Saturday at 11 am on WILL-FM, we will hear various contemporary ensembles play some of this music.
Playlist of Henry Purcell's work:
Abdelazer Suite: Academy of Ancient Instruments,Christopher Hogwood (with Rondeau theme used in Britten's Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra)
The Gordian Knot Untied Suite: La Stravaganza, Cologne (with original of song, "Lilibulero")
The Fairie Queen, excerpts (based on Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream"), Les Concerts des Nations, Jordi Savall