Hoopeston City Council Candidates Answer Student Questions

Nyttend [Public domain]
These questions were created by Hoopeston Area High School during Illinois Public Media’s YES! Civics: Youth Engagement Summit in Urbana on March 13th.
Kellie Ferrell - Ward 2
How can we bring new entry level and semi-skilled positions back to our Hoopeston Community?
I think there needs to be a conscious effort to look for businesses that best benefit our community. Hoopeston is a strong farming community and it would make sense to look for farm-based businesses to come here. With shopko gone, we are once again in need of a clothing store. Reaching out to companies for our specific needs is where I would start.
What community programs or activities can we bring to Hoopeston to provide things for youth to do?
The basketball tournaments on Main Street is one of the activities I would like to see happening in downtown Hoopeston again along with a few other sports related events that would get kids out.
Co-ed softball tournaments, lasertag, etc. If these are things the youth would be interested in, I would at the very least want to try a trial run to see how well it went over. If they did well I'd like to see them become regular events that the youth could look forward to.
A community makerspace is also something that I believe our youth would benefit from.
These are just my thoughts though. The best way to find programs and activities that would interest our youth would be to ask them.
Save the Lorraine has been making great strides in trying to liven our downtown back up by doing street parties and to me this is a perfect example of what our city needs more of.
Are there incentives that the city council can provide to keep and bring in new small businesses to Hoopeston?
I don't believe the city council itself can provide many incentives for small businesses. We have our facade program, but outside of that, a new business would want to contact Vermilion Advantage for guidance.
How can we do a better job at clearing roads during bad weather?
Ryan Anderson made a great call last November by changing the snow accumulation cutoff from 3" to 1.5". It was a step in the right direction and continuing to be more proactive about impending weather is where we need to start.
Jeff Wise - Ward 2
How can we bring new entry level and semi-skilled positions back to our Hoopeston Community?
Both entry and semi-skilled positions are still needed in Hoopeston. There are always employers looking for certain skill sets, whether that be nursing, machining, sales, etc. The question of how we can bring them back or add more is a more difficult question. Hoopeston’s chances of enticing large businesses to invest in bringing a site to town is very small. It’s not that Hoopeston doesn’t have people that could fill those positions. It’s more about economics and geography. We don’t have many, if any, buildings capable of housing such a business, and we aren’t located on a major thoroughfare for transporting goods. Knowing that we’re faced with those limitations, we need to do everything possible to attract small businesses to launch and grow in Hoopeston. We could use more people with innovative ideas about what businesses would be able to thrive in our community. There are numerous times that people have stated that they’ve had to leave town in order to get certain products or services. Bringing those amenities to our community would create new jobs for both entry and semi-skilled employees. As we’ve seen in other communities, opportunities like these seem to multiply. When a few small businesses start to thrive, then a few more pop up.
What community programs or activities can we bring to Hoopeston to provide things for youth to do?
There are many quality programs and activities for youth that are currently in Hoopeston. Whenever I’ve asked my kids or students what they want to do, they’ve usually replied with “I Don’t know”. For the youth of Hoopeston, bring us ideas of what you want to see brought to our community. I guarantee you this, there are many people in our community that would be willing to do anything to assist the youth. It’s hard for us, your parents and grandparents’ generations, to know what the current trend is. All it takes is a few youths with motivation to bring an idea to fruition.
Are there incentives that the city council can provide to keep and bring in new small businesses to Hoopeston?
The City Council already provides some incentives that has helped many of our small businesses. Moral support, publicity, TIF, among other things. We’ve all heard the “Hoopeston doesn’t need another pizza place” story before, so the question is what does Hoopeston need? There has always been discussion about a hotel, which the City Council went above and beyond to try to make that happen. The City of Hoopeston is not a business though. The City Council can’t open a hotel. It takes investors to get that done. There are numerous small businesses that people have mentioned that they would like to see come to Hoopeston. We need to know what those businesses are, and we need to try to entice investors to make that happen. Whether they stay open or not depends on the owners and community. The owners need to make sure they’re effectively running the business, and we, as a community, need to invest our dollars by using that business. Without those two things, no matter what incentives the City Council provides, the business would be destined to fail.
How can we do a better job at clearing roads during bad weather?
Hoopeston very recently modified its snow removal policy. They used to wait for 3 inches of snow before beginning removal. That has been changed to 1.5 inches. I think this has had a positive impact of road conditions. If there are still problem areas, bring it to an alderman’s attention. They are here to listen to and serve the community.
Robin Lawson - Ward 4
How can we bring new entry level and semi-skilled positions back to our Hoopeston Community?
Good question. I think Pride is key to any town that wants to grow and be successful. Getting involved with our children school activities, supporting local businesses and showing outsiders were proud of our town. Build our school programs .. sports, music, scholastic, arts, theater. That pride goes to local businesses who help play a part in supporting those kids with participation, activity attending, fundraising with them what ever those businesses can do which brings loyalty to the families who see this. In time others will want to be here. Excitement brings excitement.
What community programs or activities can we bring to Hoopeston to provide things for youth to do?
As in question one we have all the programs the school offers. We also have teen reach places. A theatre that has actively worked hard to have movie night with pizza at very little cost on the weekend. We have a roller rink and bowling alleys. The question isn’t what do we need maybe it’s how do we get kids more involved. I know those school activities take up many evenings an weekends. Games, scholastic, music, theatre are all wonderful ways to be involved and then add the extras and i think we’re very lucky to have what we have. I’m always thinking what could Hoopeston use but I’m grateful for all it has! Point me in the direction of someone’s idea for Hoopeston and I’m all in. I want to grow! I don’t have all the answers but I have the drive to want more for our community and kids.
Are there incentives that the city council can provide to keep and bring in new small businesses to Hoopeston?
This is not something I know a lot about so I can not give you a answer other than as a small business owner the city has never failed to put me in direction of help anytime I’ve asked. I’m sure there are programs out there I just don’t have those answers...
How can we do a better job at clearing roads during bad weather?
I feel our road crew does a fantastic job clearing our roads! No improvement needed!
Chad Yaden - Ward 1
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