Evening Concert

Jonthan Winters’ “A Christmas Carol” and “A Mexican Christmas”

Two Holiday Specials

Tonight at 7:00 on the “Evening Concert” on WILL-FM 90.9 we pre-empt the “Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center” to bring you the classic “Jonathan Winters’ ‘A Christmas Carol’”.  At 8:00 we pre-empt “Fiesta” to bring you a new Holiday special “A Mexican Christmas”.

Sunday, December 18: 7:00 pm Chamber Mus. Soc. of Lincoln Center (CMS 23-13)

CMS Pre-empted for a Holiday Special from NPR: A Christmas Carol with Jonathan Winters

A public radio tradition updated this year with NPR host Lisa Simeone. Master comedian Jonathan Winters presents a distinctive reading of Dickens' holiday classic, with a special performing edition prepared by Dickens for his own presentations. Also featuring Mimi Kennedy.

Sunday, December 18: 8:00 pm: Fiesta! With Elbio Barilari (FST 22-38)

FST Pre-empted for a Holiday Special from WFMT: A Mexican Christmas with Newberry Consort & EnsAmble Ad-Hoc

The Newberry Consort and EnsAmble Ad-Hoc present A Mexican Christmas, an album of 17th century traditional music for worship and celebration. The collection features pieces commonly heard in both liturgical service and in the streets, and evoke the solemnity and fanfare heard in Mexico City’s convents and plazas, with jubilant vocals and lively strings, guitars, and percussion. Organ, harp, bassoon, and a variety of Mexican traditional instruments bring this exuberant and diverse music to life. Recorded Dec. 8, 2019. Evanston, Il. Released 12NOV21 Navona Records NV6375

Convent Ensemble: The Newberry Consort, Villancico Ensemble: EnsAmble Ad-Hoc
Fray Jerónimo Gonzalez: Serenísima una noche (excerpted intro) | Juan Gutiérrez De Padilla: Introducción/Christus natus est nobis | José De Cáseda: Qué música divina | Fray Jerónimo Gonzalez: Serenísima una noche;
Juan Gutiérrez De Padilla: Al establo más dichoso, and Si al nacer o miniño | Gaspar Fernández: Dame albriçias, mano Antón | Santiago De Murcia, arr. J. L. Posada: Cumbé, and La Azucena | Juan García De Zéspedes: Convidando está la noche | Santiago De Murcia, arr. J. L. Posada: La Azucena (excerpted outro)