Evening Concert

“Nordic Pulse” from Deutsche Welle on tonight’s “Evennig Concert”


Tonight at 7:00 on the “Evening Concert” on FM 90.9 it’s a  “Deutsche Welle Festival Concert” from Peenemunde (Pay-neh-Moon-deh) Germany. Mari Samuelson is the violinist in Arvo Pärt’s “Fratres” with the Baltic Sea Philharmonic led by Kristjan Järvi. Also on the program Kilar’s “Orawa”, Sibelius’ “The Storm” and Kalnins “Symphony No. 4”.

Thursday June 27: Deutsche Welle Festival Concerts 2018-19 (DWF 18-26) (Last in series)

Nordic Pulse

Ten countries border on the Baltic Sea: Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Russia and Sweden. Proving that they are united, not separated by that body of water are musicians from all ten, led by an exciting and innovative conductor whose programs are invariably standouts.  

Mari Samuelsen, violin; Baltic Sea Philharmonic; Kristjan Järvi, conductor;

Wojciech Kilar: Orawa

Gediminas Gelgotas: Mountains. Waters. (Freedom)

Arvo Pärt: Fratres for violin, percussion and strings

Kristjan Järvi: Aurora for violin and orchestra

Jean Sibelius: The Storm. Concert suite, arranged by Kristjan Järvi)

Imants Kalnins: Rock Symphony (Symphony No. 4), 1st movement

Recorded by North German Radio, Hamburg (NDR) in the Power Plant of the Museum of History and Technology in Peenemünde on September 22, 2018