Evening Concert

It’s “Romanesque Night” on the “Deutsche Welle Festival Concert” on the “Evening Concert”


Tonight at 7:00 on the Evening Concert on FM 90.9 you’ll hear highlights from the annual “Romanesque Night” from Cologne, Germany: Serbian folk songs sung in an ancient church style and Gregorian chant never yet heard in modern times performed by Ordo Virtutum .

Wednesday, January 24: Deutsche Welle Festival Concerts (DWF 17/18, No. 4)

Romanesque Night   

Highlights from a four-hour yearly event with cult status. The voices of twin brothers Ratko and Radiša Teofilović from Serbia render folk songs in an ancient church style with spinetingling results. Music researcher and choral conductor Stephan Morent has pieced together Gregorian chant never yet heard in modern times. And Germany's best-known living composer, Wolfgang Rihm, created a piece for voices and instruments sounding both fresh and archaic.

Recorded by West German Radio, Cologne (WDR) in the Church of St. Mary in the Capitol, Cologne, on June 23, 2017
Performed by: Ratko and Radisa Teofilovic, vocals (1-18)
Ordo Virtutum (19-34) Huelgas Ensemble (35) Minguet Quartet (35)
Conductor: Stefan Morent (19-34) Paul Van Nevel (35)

Host: Rick Fulker
(1) ANON: Popoj mi slugo careva (Sing to me, servant of the Emperor)(01:22)
(2) ANON: Ptice lastavice (Martin birds) (02:08)
(3) ANON: Zaspala devojka (The girl fell asleep) (02:29)
(4) ANON: Melo melo Seburjance (01:27)
(5) ANON: Snosti go vidov (02:01)
(6) ANON: Jano mori (03:06)
(7) ANON: Zelen bor (Green pine) (01:20)
(8) ANON: Izlego da se prošeta (Got up for a walk) (02:37)
(9) ANON: Deli Magdalena (01:52)
(10) ANON: Smilj Smiljana (03:04)
(11) ANON: Dzanum zade Sunce (The sun sets, my dear) (01:52)
(12) ANON: Goro le goro zelena (Forest, oh green forest) (01:58)
(13) ANON: Vrbice vrbo (Little Willlow) (01:43)
(14) ANON: Durda devojka (Djurdja girl) (02:06)
(15) ANON: Marijo cero Marijo (Marija my daughter Marija) (01:21)
(16) ANON: Navali se Sar planina (The Shar Mountains lean) (02:40)
(17) ANON: Marijo bela kumrijo (Marija, you brave white dove)(02:22)
(18) ANON: Cveto mori Cveto (02:10)
(19) ANON: Alleluia V, Beatus Vir (02:04)
(20) ANON: Offertory lustus ut palma (01:29)
(21) ANON: Communion Magna est gloria (02:59)
(22) ANON: Introit Statuit ei dominus 03:16)
(23) ANON: Offertory Stetit angelus (02:19)
(24) ANON: Lectio Evangelii (02:58)
(25) ANON: Offertory Domine deus (01:39)
(26) ANON: Communion Domus mea (03:44)
(27) ANON: Antiphony Vitam petiit a te + Psalm 20 (03:29)
(28) ANON: Responsory Inveni David (01:55)
(29) ANON: Responsory Posui adiutorium (01:47)
(30) ANON: Responsory tota die (02:03)
(31) ANON: Introit De ventre matris mee (04:28)
(32) ANON: Antiphony Diffusa est gratia + Psalm 44 (01:56)
(33) ANON: Responsory Hodie nobis celorum rex (03:29)
(34) ANON: Solvite templum hoc/Magnificat (03:22)
(35) RIHM: ''Et Lux'' (And Light) for vocal octet and string quartet (excerpt) (20:28)