Beyond Opening the Gates Producers

Kathryn Dullerud, Executive Student Producer, and Christopher Span, interviewee
Project directors
Janet Morford, University Laboratory High School (2016-2017)
Melissa Schoeplein, University Laboratory High School (2017-2019)
Production/Website Team (the folks who wrote and edited the documentaries)
Executive Student Producer
Kathryn Dullerud (member of the class of 2018)
Senior Student Producers
Solomia Dzhaman and Lawrence Taritsa (members of the class of 2019)
Team Leaders
Kathryn Dullerud and Mallika Luthar (members of the class of 2018)
Production Team Members
Hadley Shapland (member of the class of 2018), Solomia Dzhaman and Lawrence Taritsa (members of the class of 2019), Sarah Hashash, Pomona Carrington-Hoekstra, Anya Kaplan-Hartnett, and Emi Loucks - (members of the class of 2020), Maher Adoni, Edward Kong, and Keshav Gandhi (members of the class of 2021)
Pre-Production Team (the folks who found, organized, interviewed, and recorded interviewees)
Team Members
Priya Bhatt (member of the class of 2017), Nathalie Stein, Annette Lee, and Abraham Han (members of the class of 2019), Minji Choi, Akash Pardeshi, Anya Kaplan-Hartnett, Emi Louks, Anna Ondrejckova, and Sophia Schmitz (members of the class of 2020)
Interview Team
Uni High Class of 2020
Production Advisors
Kimberlie Kranich and Jason Croft (Illinois Public Media)