Team Member Alice C. Bio
My name is Alice Chang, and this is my first year as a WILL intern. I am a freshman at University Laboratory High School. Last year, I was fortunate enough to be part of the class that interviewed the Counterculture interviewees. When Ms. Morford announced to my class that the theme of the oral history project we were going to take part in was the Counterculture Movement, the first word that came to my, as well as many of my fellow classmates ‘ mind, was "hippies". My imagination immediately jumped to the image of long haired teenagers with tie-dye shirts along with the idea of drugs. I was fascinated and slightly confused -- what exactly was the Counterculture movement? What was I going to learn from interviewing these people?
As it turned out – a lot. Little did I know, the meaning and purpose of the Counterculture Movement stretches far beyond the word hippie and lives on today.. It cannot be characterized by the stereotypical to the point of comical image I had generated in my mind. The project fascinated me as well as the interviewing and transcribing process. I loved interacting with people with so many stories. I hope to learn and grow even more in my understanding of history and people through participating in creating this radio program.