How to create an understandable script
Hi, its Sonie Toe again. After a couple of snow days from the office I am back and on track. Okay so I arrive and as usual I have my schedule for the day. This includes:
1. Deciding if I could make a meeting with Ms. Meaderds some time this month 2. Editing my transcript story of Mr. Ernest Westfield and finally 3. blog. I went straight to work. I did all of this in order so you can probably guess which task I'm on right now. But the most important task I had to get done was editing the Westfield script I made on Monday. Today Kimberlie was kind enough to have a little guide to how I would edit the new script :cheese: On it I would list my 3 focus points I wanted to paint into a story from the transcript. Then I needed to decide the main topic I wanted to him to speak for, Mr. Westfield I mean. I'm not going to reveal what it is. So After that is the real difficult part. I have to type the new story. I looked through my copy of his transcript again and felt a little nervous. He had things all over the place and I sort of wanted to change my mind to another topic because I couldn't believe I could make a story from his words :gulp: But when I choose something I don't back down no matter how much freedom I have to do just that. I had given myself a a challenge 😏 As I kept flipping through there were a few pages I realized had all the speech I could use to put together this new script yeah 😊 Alright so now I in tune with this story and just typing away. The problem I had was that I made blocks and obstacles of my own to decide the path that the story would take all that I had to do was look at the words and start creating I didn't need to follow the same path of the previous I didn't need to edit while typing (shorten as I go) I just needed to let it all flow. So I visioned a story and I went with it. And so I was satisfied with the final outcome. Of course it will be edited even more :roll:
Sonie Toe