January 18th


Hello Readers!
Hope everyone's day for commemorating Dr. King went well.  I myself was part of an annual program put on by my school, mainly the Interact Club and African-American Club where I am president.  We had wonderful speakers, presentations, songs performed by the UHS Honors Choir, and an always-delicious lunch.  This year it was at Ikenberry Commons, a brand-new dormitory.  After the luncheon we were all supposed to break into groups and go do service projects in the community, but instead I drove straight home and from (no lie) 12:30 pm until 8:00 pm I worked on finishing transcribing an interview.  I didn't mind the long work because transcribing is fun to me and I feel like I'm doing real important work when I'm working.  Plus it's always a huge relief to finish something you've been working on.  In total that one transcription was SEVENTEEN pages of typed interview.  Whew!  Now I get to move on to other interviews and learn new things about Champaign-Urbana. 😊

Gabby Parsons


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